Solutions for Your Industry
Soter solutions are used in multiple industries across 4 continents. We are able to identify new injury prevention opportunities and reduce the risk of injury in your workplace
Injury Prevention for Warehousing & Logistics
Soter Analytics helps warehousing and logistics companies to streamline their operations and create a safer work environment
The smallest wearable device & AI-driven training program to coach workers to self-correct their movements in real-time to avoid ergonomic injuries
Injury Prevention for Supermarkets & Retail
Soter Analytics helps supermarkets and retailers to improve safety, productivity, and employee retention
The easiest to use vision processing technology to accurately and quickly quantify risk within tasks in seconds and get valuable
insights on stream
Injury Prevention for Manufacturing
Soter Analytics helps manufacturing companies improve safety, productivity, and retention. Designed to reduce injuries and streamline manufacturing operations
Practise a data-driven approach to recruit the most appropriate candidates for physically demanding roles via building a comprehensive job dictionary